Working at LOESCHE



LOESCHE is a family-run business – and the company’s owners intend to keep it that way in the next generation. With their inherent efficiency and flexibility, family-run businesses provide the maximum security, benefits, credibility, identification and long-term stability for employees and customers alike.

A medium-sized owner-operated company, LOESCHE is independent, profitable and innovative. We value our employees, whose skills we have to thank for our innovative capabilities. Working hand in hand with our international branches around the globe, we aim to be the leaders in our market segment on a lasting basis thanks to our portfolio of products, services and solutions.



Customer focus, innovativeness and outstanding quality: these strengths have underpinned LOESCHE’s work since the company was founded in 1906, and they continue to uphold our technology- and market-leading position as suppliers of vertical mills today.

We offer our customers solutions that meet their specific needs, from individual machines to complete turnkey plants and work with them to carry out plant conversions. Putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes helps us identify ways to maximize their return on investment – for example, by minimizing energy consumption and emissions, optimizing equipment and plant design, and boosting equipment and plant availability.

Our offerings span a broad range of services including:

  • project planning
  • plant planning and design
  • delivery, installation and commissioning
  • plant upgrades during operation.

LOESCHE’s work is always guided by the goal of providing the best possible service. Our process engineering expertise, which we continuously expand through strategic partnerships, along with the creativity and dedication of our staff of over 900 around the world, is the foundation of everything we do.

Thanks to our people’s know-how and commitment coupled with the global, interdisciplinary collaboration among various departments, we are confident of our ability to continue building on our success in the future. Our unique culture as a family business places us in the ideal position to master the challenges of an international environment.

The competencies and ideas of our employees are the drivers of our future success.

We rely on the potential and strengths of our workforce and systematically foster these with a long-term personal development program coupled with annual feedback rounds. Numerous internal and external seminars, in-service training courses, advanced courses of study, and e-learning programmes are available to and promote the careers of our employees. These are flanked by on-the-job training actions and project work or job-enrichment programs.



As a key to lasting success.

Delivering the right technology at the right time has a long tradition at Loesche. Our solutions are as pioneering as they are in tune with industry requirements, and they have become permanent fixtures on the market year after year. A notable example: the vertical mill, featuring grinding technology engineered by Loesche. Our good name is built on innovations, and we are very proud of that.

We are not content to stop there: we aim to continue building on this success and enhancing our reputation in various markets. We will do this the same way we always have: with innovations that meet market demands and with products and services whose quality, reliability and fitness for purpose meet our customers’ needs.

The right technology at the right time: for our customers, that means a boost in profitability and productivity. This, in turn, translates into faster and higher ROI than they could achieve with other suppliers’ solutions.

Focus on customers and quality

For our customers, we are a strong and fair partner, renowned for contributing industry expertise, added value and innovations to their businesses. Quality, on-time delivery and the high availability of our equipment and plants underpin our success. Our customers’ needs are always our benchmark; seeing things from their perspective helps us provide them with the best possible advice.

Commitment to innovation

We are proud of our willingness to change and remain aware that past performance is no guarantee of future success. We systematically challenge the status quo and constantly strive to deliver new and better solutions. We regard continuous improvement as a key building block of long-term success. Evolving our skills on an ongoing basis, we remain receptive to new methods and technologies.


We respond to the onward march of globalization with an open mind. Through our international branches, we are familiar with the cultures and languages of our customers all over the world. We view globalization as an opportunity and understand that the diversity of country-specific modes of thought, feeling and action enriches our company.

Performance and accountability

We create the freedom to let personal accountability, creativity, commitment and responsible action grow. We take responsibility for our actions, comply with all applicable laws and intervene whenever we see the need. That is because our success as a company depends upon each individual’s performance, dedication and flexibility.

Focus on employees

Leadership with a long-term strategy, responsibility for our employees and their families, and the personal closeness of a family company are attributes that characterize our corporate culture. We promote cultural diversity, take our employees’ needs into account and work together in interdisciplinary teams to implement our corporate goals successfully.

Environmental stewardship

For us, sustainable management also means taking responsibility for our environment. We prioritize the economical use of energy and resources when designing equipment and plants. At the same time, our customers benefit from the energy savings in operation and enjoy a faster return on their investment.

We pursue greater goals and believe in seizing opportunities when they present themselves. In order to achieve our objectives and fully leverage our potential, we have set up a targeted skills-management program and put our people where they can use their professional and personal skills to the best advantage. In everything we do, our aim at all times is to optimize the company’s process chains.

Management process

Our management process includes reviewing the company’s situation and strategy at regular intervals and making adjustments where necessary. We create and monitor global business plans that take local market conditions into account. Tactical goals and key performance indicators are derived from these plans.

We establish globally uniform organizational structures, standards and processes, which our international branches use as a frame of reference. In this way, we can utilize synergies, thus enhancing the Loesche Group’s profitability and honing its competitive edge. We actively promote intercultural understanding and ensure through our company’s actions that country-specific patterns of thinking and acting, differing legal requirements and our long-term corporate goals remain in harmony.

Key parameters in the management process:

•             Market share

•             Results

•             Profitability

•             Cash flow


Value creation process

Our value creation process starts in the sales phase and continues seamlessly into the implementation phase. Especially with complex projects, the people involved in implementation are brought into the sales phase early in order to gain the best possible understanding of the customer’s needs and fulfill them.

Many people contribute to the overall value creation process:

Sales acts as the main point of contact, taking note of the customer’s needs, offering tailored solutions and calculating the best possible price, all of which helps to ensure our company’s long-term viability. With their technical expertise and entrepreneurial mindset, the sales team approach customers’ needs in a solution-oriented manner and indicate any downstream services that may be required.

Process Technology ensures the functions and performance of Loesche’s equipment, plants, and methods of application. They are responsible for procedures throughout the entire project cycle as well as the ongoing refinement of the plants and processes. This unit keeps the process-related “backbone” of our company’s technology and application portfolio strong.

Project Management plans all the details related to timetables, costs, profits and quality assurance, and steers projects from in-house order acceptance through to the end of the guarantee period. Their ultimate objective is always maximum customer satisfaction. This unit also supports Sales during the tender phase with scheduling and plant planning, quantity determination for the foundations, building and pipeline layouts as well as technical design. In addition, they assist with pre-negotiations that help optimize the costs of subcontracting work as part of the price calculations. At the same time, Project Management steers the development of new, technically upgraded and cost-efficient plant designs and components. Their project management skills and methods translate into project success, for which customer satisfaction is always the benchmark.

Automation Solutions expand our product and service portfolio – and are an additional factor in ensuring our stable growth as a worldwide plant manufacturer.

Design promotes the seamless execution of contracts through to the end of the guarantee period, providing all the paperwork for the cost-optimized production, installation and documentation of Loesche equipment. This department also develops patentable innovations as part of our proactive engineering and standard design portfolio; they help stabilize and augment Loesche’s long-term market position through technological leadership. The Design department’s technical expertise and creativity are a key component of our company’s innovative strength.

Supply Chain is tasked with purchasing all the goods and services Loesche needs – ­in the right quality, at the right time and at the best price that the world’s markets have to offer. Their work hinges on their solid market expertise and targeted supplier management. In addition, their global sourcing activities continually tap into fresh synergies with Loesche companies across the globe.

Technical Field Service ensures project success on site thanks to their extensive, worldwide experience in installation and commissioning management. They also pursue a process of continuous improvement based on structured feedback from the construction sites.

Key parameters in the value creation process:

• Order inflow

• Contribution margins and their realization

• On-time delivery

• Installation and commissioning timelines

• Claim costs

• Fulfillment of performance guarantees

• Revenue generation

Our value creation process includes offering our customers spare-parts packages, optimizing plants and other services, all the way through to operating the equipment and plants. This broad spectrum of offerings ensures our customers’ long-term satisfaction and loyalty.

Associated processes

Associated processes help keep the management and value creation processes running smoothly. Their impact on our bottom line is indirect, so we keep them as lean and cost-efficient as possible.

Finance Planning with its ongoing monitoring collects and documents all financial data relevant for generating decision proposals and recommendations for action to be provided to the management. Responsible contract and finance management keeps liquidity, financing and risk management optimally configured to promote healthy growth. Innovative financing models support the value creation process by helping to generate new contracts and make us stand out from the competition.

IT Management maintains the appropriate integrated IT landscape to support all our company processes efficiently.

HR Management is in charge of planning, steering and controlling HR-related strategies and measures to ensure optimum staff deployment within the Loesche Group. They take financial resources, operational needs as well as legal requirements into account. Another key aspect of their job is to support executives with personnel responsibilities, who draw on this department’s skilled advice on legal and financial issues to accomplish their HR and administrative tasks. HR is additionally responsible for health and safety: we pursue a proactive health-management program to promote our staff’s health and ability to perform long-term.


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