At its heart, the history of Loesche GmbH is a story of excellence. This story begins in 1906, when Curt von Grueber returned from a trip to the United States with the European sales rights to the brand new Kent mill. The Kent mill ofered producers a grinding capacity of up to 5 tonnes per hour.
The company later acquired the European sales rights for the Maxecon mill, which took the benefts of the Kent mill a step further with the addition of an air classifer and a redesign of the grinding components. Though there was defnitely room for improvement in the design, it was immensely popular and by 1918 the company had sold more than 600 mills to both the cement and fertiliser industries, with the latter using the mill to crush phosphate.
In the 1920s, Ernst Curt Loesche, who joined the company in 1912 and became co-owner.