Procedure for Thermally Reductive Conditioning of BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace) Slag for Recycling the Metal Content and Manufacturing Highly Reactive Cement Components

Procedure for Thermally Reductive Conditioning of BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace) Slag for Recycling the Metal Content and Manufacturing Highly Reactive Cement Components

By admin
on Jun 25th, 2018

LOESCHE GmbH is a medium-sized, internationally active company that last year celebrated the 111th anniversary of its founding.

In 111 years of the company's history, the name LOESCHE has always been associated with a great innovative capability that has significantly contributed to the success of the company worldwide. For decades LOESCHE has stood in particular for epoch-making developments in mill technology, which recently has also been signified by the phrase “GRINDING EXPERT” in the traditional LOESCHE theme. According to the demands of the market, LOESCHE is increasingly enhancing this still important field by developing complete processes. Providing complete solutions is becoming an ever larger part of LOESCHE's portfolio, which is also made clear in the new LOESCHE theme. “INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING” – this means much more than simply machine development. LOESCHE technology is traditionally found in the cement industry, steel industry, power plant construction, ore industry and minerals industry. In some of these fields LOESCHE is the global market leader.


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